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Stift Klosterneuburg mit Weingarten

Cox Orange apple juice

Varietal juices - natural and cloudy


The apples for the pure varietal juices ripen under ideal conditions in our orchards before we meticulously turn them into precious, naturally cloudy (unfiltered) apple juices.

On the variety and origins of this juice:
The trees of this very demanding and old variety respond the intensive care by small quantity, but the juice is just a great experience. The variety Cox Orange developed out of a chance seedling in Grate Britain 1825.

Stift Klosterneuburg orchard:
Since its foundation in 1114 Klosterneuburg Abbey has been growing wine and is therefore the oldest wine estate of Austria. The orchard was established in 1402 on the other side of the Danube River in Langenzersdorf. The Danube River current regulates the flow of air and enhances the temperature differences between day and night which support the development of aroma and character of the various apple varieties.

Since the year 2009 it is the first carbon neutral orchard in Europe.

The fruit of the orchards of Stift Klosterneuburg are pampered by the mild, sunny climate of the Danube Valley and ripen to superb flavour intensity. Remaining true to our philosophy of environmental sustainability allows us to harvest nourishing fruit with intense varietal flavours.