In the former military barracks of “Magdeburg-Kaserne” in Klosterneuburg, a reception centre for refugees has been established.
Klosterneuburg Abbey, as the new proprietor of the barrack premises, was able to reach an agreement with the Federal Ministry of the Interior, according to which the barracks may be used free of charge until further notice. The reception centre is managed by the Ministry of the Interior.
The town of Klosterneuburg coordinates the aid to refugees, i. e. the donations for the refugees accommodated in the Magdeburg-Kaserne:
Klosterneuburg’s account for donations:
Raiffeisenbank Klosterneuburg
IBAN: AT52 3236 7000 0000 0513
For correct identification, please label your donation with the tag
“Spenden Flüchtlinge”.
The town of Klosterneuburg also coordinates accommodation for refugees offered by private providers:
Ms. Susanne Hammerl
Phone: 02243 444 415
E-mail: hammerl@klosterneuburg.at
Commissioned by the town of Klosterneuburg, Caritas holds consultation hours as part of its project KOMPA (joint conflict prevention, mediation and participation entered into by Austrians and refugees, www.zusammenreden.net/kompa):
Martin Kaltenbacher: Fridays from 9 am to 12 midday in the room opposite the Mayor’s Office. Phone: 0664 / 889 170 78
In Klosterneuburg, an initiative to promote positive interaction between long-time residents and asylum seekers has been founded. A growing group of volunteers have become actively involved in the initiative “Klosterneuburg hilft” (Klosterneuburg helps) in their spare time.