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Hl. Leopold, Gründer des Stiftes Klosterneuburg

St. Leopold Peace Prize 2025

Please fill in the form carefully, pay attention to the fields marked with * and click on the button “KUNSTWERK EINREICHEN/ SUBMIT ARTWORK >” to submit the form. It is not possible to save the form temporarily.

You are also welcome to take a look at the submission tutorial, in which the procedure is shown and explained step by step.


Submissions for the Art Prize of the Year 2025 are only possible from July 1 to September 30, 2024.

Problems with the submission:

The upload of the image does not work.
1. Please check whether the image exceeds the file size of 10 MB and also has the correct file format.
2. Change the browser. Sometimes the security settings prevent communication with the form. For example, try Chrome instead of Firefox or vice versa.
The submission button does not work.
1. Check that all fields marked with an * are filled in.
2. Change the browser. Sometimes the security settings prevent communication with the form. For example, try Chrome instead of Firefox or vice versa.
The confirmation email does not arrive.
1. Check your spam folder.
2. Security settings may be preventing you from receiving an automatically generated email. Please write to us at friedenspreis@stift-klosterneuburg.at with the details of your submission (date of submission, name) and we will check whether your submission has reached our database. Please give us 1-2 days to do this. We will get back to you.