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The Congregation and Confederation

The Congregation of the Austrian Canons Regular

The Congregation of the Austrian Canons Regular unites the Augustinian Canon Abbeys of St. Florian (Upper Austria), Herzogenburg (Lower Austria), Klosterneuburg (Lower Austria), Neustift (South Tyrol), Reichersberg (Upper Austria) and Vorau (Styria). The Congregation was founded in 1907.

The head of the Congregation is the General Abbot, who is elected every five years.

General Abbots since 1907:
1907 – 1920   Joseph Sailer, St. Florian
1920 – 1937   Josef Kluger, Klosterneuburg
1937 – 1953   Alipius Linda, Klosterneuburg
1954 – 1987   Gebhard Koberger, Klosterneuburg
1987 – 2002   Wilhelm Neuwirth, St. Florian
2002 – 2017   Bernhard Backovsky, Klosterneuburg
2017 – 2024  Johann Holzinger, St. Florian

since 2024    Eduard Fischnaller, Neustift

The Confederation of the Austrian Canons Regular

On 4 May 1959 (900 years after the Lateran Synod of 1059, see History of the Order), Pope St. John XXIII, in his apostolic letter “Caritatis Unitas”, founded the Confederation of the Canons Regular of St. Augustine. Originally there were four members: the Lateran Congregation (Rome, Italy), the Austrian Congregation, the Congregation of Great St. Bernhard (Switzerland) and the Congregation Saint-Maurice (Switzerland). Subsequently other Congregations have joined the Confederation: the Windesheim Congregation (Paring, Germany). the Congregation “Redemptoris Mater” (La Cotellerie, France), the Congregation of the Immaculate Conception (Rome, Italy), the Congregation of St. Victor (Champagne, France) and the Brothers of the Common Life (Maria Bronnen, Germany).

The head of the Confederation is the Abbot Primate, who is elected for a six-year term of office.

Abbots Primate since 1959:
1959 – 1968   Lois-Séverin Haller, St. Maurice
1968 – 1974   Gebhard Koberger, Austrian Congregation
1974 – 1980   Anthony Bull, Lateran Congregation
1980 – 1986   Angelin-Maurice Lovey, Great St. Bernhard
1986 – 1992   Karl Egger, Windesheim Congregation
1992 – 1998   Henri Salina, St. Maurice
1998 – 2004   Anthony Maggs, Lateran Congregation
2004 – 2010   Maurice Bitz, St. Victor
2010 – 2016   Bernhard Backovsky, Austrian Congregation
2016 – 2022  Jean-Michel Girard, Großer St. Bernhard
since 2022       Jean Scarcella, St. Maurice